Network Manager delivers further Airspace Design improvements in December


Substantial savings have been made in Europe’s ATM network, thanks to the latest European Route Network Improvement Plan.

2012’s AIRAC – Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control – cycle release of 13 December 2012, saw the delivery of 36 packages of airspace design improvements which made for savings of 113 000 nautical miles flown less compared with the equivalent AIRAC cycle in 2011 (equating to 678T fuel, 2,260 tonnes of CO2 or €565,000).

These improvements were coordinated at network level and implemented in AIRAC 1213 (effective 13 December 2012) as part of the Network Manager’s contribution to flight efficiency. The improvements include:

  • the implementation of night-time Free Route Airspace (FRA) in Finland
  • the implementation of Interface Brest Bordeaux Paris (IBBP2012) and Interface Reims Paris (IRP) projects in France
  • the further expansion of Free Route Airspace Maastricht (FRAM) and Karlsruhe (FRAK) with new cross-border (FRAMaK) DCT (direct routing)s for flight planning
  • the integration of Munich UAC into Karlsruhe UAC (VoLMuK) (part 2) in Germany
  • the implementation of Point Merge at Dublin airport.


Source: EuroControl