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Air Force \ Boeing \ C-17 \ C-17 Globemaster \ Delivers \ Training Center \ U.S. Air Force \ Weapon System Trainers \ Wright-Patterson
Boeing Delivers Wright-Patterson C-17
Boeing has delivered a training center for the C-17 Globemaster III airlifter to the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, enabling the base to cut costs by training pilots and loadmasters onsite. “Since we received our first C-17 at Wright-Patt in January 2011, our local crews have had to go on […]

airlifters \ Boeing \ C-17 \ C-17 Globemaster \ flight \ GISP \ Globemaster III \ IAF \ India \ Indian Air Force
Boeing Delivers Indian Air Force’s 1st C-17 to Flight Test
Boeing on Jan. 22 delivered the first of 10 C-17 Globemaster III airlifters for the Indian Air Force (IAF). India’s first C-17 will now enter a U.S. Air Force flight test program at Edwards Air Force Base in Palmdale, Calif. Boeing is on track to deliver four more C-17s to the IAF this year and […]