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aircrafts \ Astana Airport \ International Airport Astana \ passengers \ President \ Zhaukhanov Kairat Kenesbekovich
Zhaukhanov Kairat Kenesbekovich, President, International Astana Airport
ATN: Which are Astana Airport priorities under your leadership? ZKK: One of the priorities of the policy of Astana International Airport is ensuring of flight safety, satisfaction of passengers’ needs and increasing of service’s quality. Moreover, it is also providing quality transportation services, providing regular, effective handling of aircrafts, baggage, mail and cargo in accordance […]

Airbus A320 \ aircrafts \ Benjamin Saada \ Boeing B737 \ Economy-class \ Expliseat \ TITANIUM seat
Revolutionary 4kg per Passenger Economy-class Seat
TITANIUM seat: a revolutionary 4kg per passenger patented technology that reduces seat weight by at least 50% for a fuel saving of 3% to 5% Expliseat announces today the launch of the TITANIUM seat: a revolutionary 4kg per passenger patented technology that reduces seat weight by at least 50% for a fuel saving of 3% […]