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Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control \ AIRAC \ airspace \ ATM network \ Dublin \ Eurocontrol \ flight \ Free Route Airspace \ Network Manager
Network Manager delivers further Airspace Design improvements in December
Substantial savings have been made in Europe’s ATM network, thanks to the latest European Route Network Improvement Plan. 2012’s AIRAC – Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control – cycle release of 13 December 2012, saw the delivery of 36 packages of airspace design improvements which made for savings of 113 000 nautical miles flown less compared […]

airspace \ aviation \ aviation summit \ Cambridge airport \ FBOs \ international \ UK \ UK airports
Cambridge Airport hosts olympics airspace summit
A Cambridge aviation summit is being held in a bid to avert chaos in the clouds during next year’s London Olympics. Industry players in the UK are already asking whether confusion over a number of aviation-related issues has already cost Britain a golden opportunity. Cambridge Airport is hosting a clear-the-air summit on Tuesday, September 20 […]

aircraft \ airspace \ FAA \ Federal Aviation Administration \ NORAD
FAA stats show fewer pilots break airspace rules
Even as fighter jets were scrambled on successive days this month to intercept airspace violators near the presidential retreat at Camp David, Md., military and civilian aviation officials say fewer pilots are breaking U.S. airspace restrictions this year. The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, which represents private and business pilots, has been trying to reduce […]