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appointed \ Austrian Airlines \ Head of Controlling \ Stefan Hafenscher
Stefan Hafenscher Appointed Head of Controlling
Stefan Hafenscher (35) has been appointed to serve as Head of Corporate Controlling of the Austrian Airlines Group in his position as Vice-President. Hafenscher succeeds Wolfgang Henle, who has been named to serve as the new Managing Director of Austrian Technik in Bratislava. Born in Vienna, Hafenscher has worked as a Group controller at Austrian […]

Austrian Airlines \ Bernd Hartweger \ Given \ Skytrax \ Top Rank \ World Airline Awards
Austrian Airlines Given Top Rank in the World Airline Awards
World Airline Awards 2013: Austrian Airlines Given Top Rankings • Austrian Airlines among the ten best European airlines • Among the world’s top five airlines for Business Class Catering • Overall global ranking improved from 39th to 33rd Austrian Airlines once again achieved top ratings in the World Airline Awards 2013. It was ranked once […]

Austrian Airlines \ Releases \ Results \ Traffic
Austrian Airlines Releases Traffic Results for April 2013
The number of passengers carried by the Austrian Airlines Group in the period January-April 2013 declined by 3.7 percent from the previous year to approximately 3.2 million. On balance, Austrian Airlines reduced capacity by 9.8 percent, which is related to the harsh winter as well as the streamlining of the fleet. Within the context of […]

Airbus 320 \ Austrian Airlines \ CO₂ emissions \ fuel consumption \ Oliver Cantele
Austrian Airlines A320 Clear Out
Austrian Airlines clears out an entire Airbus 320 with savings of about 375t of Co₂ emissions p.a. The fuel price is one of the biggest cost factors for an airline. At Austrian Airlines fuel comprises about one quarter of total costs. For this reason, Austrian Airlines is clearing out an entire Airbus to […]

Austrian Airlines \ Karsten Benz \ long-haul \ RPK \ Vienna Airport
Austrian Airlines Release Traffic Results for January 2013
The Austrian Airlines Group carried a total of 723,200 passengers in January 2013, a decline of 2.3 percent from the previous year. The streamlined fleet (five fewer aircraft) arose from the targeted reduction of four medium-haul aircraft within the context of a fleet harmonization program, as well as the technical downtime of one long-haul aircraft […]

Austrian Airlines \ business class \ Chicago \ competition \ entertainment system \ inflight \ Lucky Luggage \ non-stop
Lucky Luggage to Chicago
Austrian Airlines competition starts from 28 January Exclusive instant prizes to be won Top prize: two Austrian Airlines tickets to Chicago Austrian Airlines is launching a unique competition campaign from 28 January 2013. For all incoming flights from the USA and Canada, there is to be a surprise at the baggage pick-up, with three cases […]

aircraft \ Ameco Beijing \ Austrian Airlines \ Burkard Wigger \ Jaan Albrecht \ Lufthansa \ Michael Delion
Michael Delion appointed as new Head of Austrian Technical Services
Michael Delion (57) is to take over as Head of Austrian Airlines Technical Services as of 1st February 2013. The qualified aircraft mechanic and graduate engineer from the aviation and aerospace technology sector follows Burkard Wigger, who will be leaving the company at the end of January, as announced previously. Michael Delion first started his […]

Austrian Airlines \ City Breaks \ flight \ flights \ Karsten Benz \ myHoliday \ Salzburg Festival
Austrian to bring more Personal Travellers on Board with “myHoliday”
Austrian Airlines is entering the personal travel segment effective immediately with a new branding and design: under the brand Austrian myHoliday individual private trips for different travel occasions can be booked in the future. There is a suitable offering to fit everyone. For example, City Breaks will be available for Singles, Beach Holidays for families […]

aircraft \ Austrian Airlines \ Boeing 777 \ business class \ CCO Karsten Benz \ DO&CO \ Flight no. OS45 \ long-haul
Austrian takes off with new long-haul cabin
After completing a successful test flight and gaining official approval from aviation authorities, the first Austrian long-haul aircraft to feature the company’s completely remodelled long-haul cabin, a Boeing 777 bearing the identification code OE-LPD, will embark on its maiden flight this evening. Flight no. OS45 will take off from Vienna at 8.45 p.m. local time, […]

aircraft \ Austrian Airlines \ Europe \ flights \ Karsten Benz \ passengers
11.5 Million Flew with Austrian Airlines in 2012
The Austrian Airlines Group increased the number of passengers carried in the entire year 2012 by 1.8 percent from the prior-year level to a total of 11.5 million passengers. The passenger load factor was up by 3.8 percentage points, rising to 77.5 percent. Capacity as measured by available seat kilometers (ASK) was reduced by 4.0 percent, whereas […]