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CEO \ Ethiopian Airlines \ Interview with \ Tewolde Gebremariam
Interview with Tewolde Gebremariam Ethiopian Airlines CEO
What are the three main concerns your airline, Ethiopian Airlines, will face within the next 24 months? Gebremariam: High and volatile oil price; It is higher in Africa by about 30% from the rest of the world. Uneven competition from highly capitalized mega carriers Lack of unified common Aviation Policy in Africa like that of […]

Bernard Cherkasov \ Business Leadership Award \ CEO \ Equality Illinois \ Human Rights Campaign Foundation \ Jeff Smisek \ LGBT \ united airlines
United Airlines Earns Top Honor From Equality Illinois
United Airlines has earned the 2013 Business Leadership Award from Equality Illinois, the state’s oldest and largest organization advocating for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality. The award is given annually to a business that demonstrates vision and leadership in the effort to achieve full equality for LGBT individuals in Illinois. “United is a […]

Boeing \ Boeing Chairman \ CEO \ Gen. Shalikashvili \ jim mcnerney \ John Shalikashvili \ U.S.
Boeing CEO Statement about the death of Gen. John Shalikashvili
Boeing Chairman, President, and CEO Jim McNerney issued the following statement about the death, on July 23, of retired U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman and former Boeing board member Gen. John Shalikashvili. “We at Boeing were saddened to learn of Gen. Shalikashvili’s death. We were able to see his exceptional leadership first hand during […]

airline \ CASA \ CEO \ flights \ Tiger Airways \ Tiger Airways Australia
Tiger Airways could stay grounded throughout July
Low-cost carrier Tiger Airways Australia has accepted that it could stay grounded throughout July as Australian safety inspectors continue to probe its operations. The grounding, which is costing the Singapore-based airline $1.6 million a week, claimed its first casualty with the announced departure of CEO Crawford Rix. Tiger Airways Australia and sister airline Tiger Airways […]