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Boeing \ Boeing-built \ Communications \ Craig Cooning \ Enhances Tactical \ SATCOM \ Satellite \ U.S. Air Force \ WGS-5
Boeing-built WGS-5 Satellite Enhances Tactical Communications
Boeing-built WGS-5 Satellite Enhances Tactical Communications for Warfighters 5th Wideband Global SATCOM spacecraft sends 1st signals from orbit Satellite functioning and ready for post-launch testing Boeing has received the first on-orbit signals from the fifth Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite it is delivering to the U.S. Air Force to give warfighters greater access to fast, secure communications that […]

B-52 \ Boeing \ Brings \ Combat Network Communications Technology \ Communications \ CONECT \ Digital Age \ Significant \ Upgrade
Boeing Brings B-52 into Digital Age with Significant Communications Upgrade
Boeing Brings B-52 into Digital Age with Significant Communications Upgrade – Enables in-flight task changing and weapons retargeting Boeing is providing an upgraded communications system for U.S. Air Force B-52 bombers so aircrews can send and receive information via satellite links, allowing crews to change mission plans and retarget weapons in flight and better interact with […]