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787 \ 787 Dreamliner \ aircraft \ airlines \ airplane \ Boeing \ Larry Loftis \ production \ safety
Boeing Increases 787 Production Rate
Boeing employees last week rolled out the first 787 Dreamliner built at the new rate of five-airplanes-per-month. The airplane is the 83rd 787 to be built. “This accomplishment, doubling our production rate in one year, is the result of the combined efforts of thousands of men and women across Boeing and at our partners,” said […]

A380 \ Airbus \ aircraft \ Brazil \ international \ single aisle \ Tourism \ Travel
Brazil to Order 1,060 new aircraft in 20 years
According to the latest Airbus Global Market Forecast (GMF), Brazil will need 1,060 new aircraft between 2012 and 2031. The 700 single-aisle, 310 twin-aisle and 50 very large aircraft forecasted have an estimated current market value of $160.7 billion and are expected to help meet the demand of domestic and foreign carriers as well as […]

airlines \ Asia Pacific \ Asia-Pacific airlines \ CO2 emissions \ Delhi Airport \ development \ growth \ IATA \ International Air Transport Association
IATA Infrastructure to Support Asian Growth
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) urged Asia- Pacific aviation leaders to focus on airport and air traffic management infrastructure as the region’s demand for connectivity continues to grow. “Aviation is a vital part of Asia’s economy, supporting 24 million jobs and nearly half-a-trillion dollars of GDP. Connectivity, facilitated by aviation, is a critical link […]

Austrian Airlines \ Boeing 767 \ Boeing 777 \ Chicago \ Eastern Europe \ flights \ fly \ in-flight \ O’Hare Airport
Austrian Airlines to fly to Chicago from 2013
Austrian Airlines will be extending its North American product in the 2013 summer schedule: from 17th May, 2013 onwards, Austrian Airlines will be flying five times a week to Chicago, the largest city in the mid-western USA. The service will be operated using a Boeing 767, which by then will be equipped with a completely […]

A350 \ A350 XWB \ A350 XWBs \ Afriqiyah Airways \ aircraft \ John Leahy \ Middle East \ Xtra Wide-Body
Afriqiyah Airways places firm order for four more A350 XWBs
Afriqiyah Airways has increased its A350 XWB fleet with a new firm order for four A350-900s. The carrier has also converted its original order for six A350-800s into six of the larger A350-900 model. This brings Afriqiyah’s total A350 XWBs on order to ten A350-900s. Afriqiyah’s A350 XWBs will seat 314 passengers, offering them the […]

Airbus \ aviation \ CO2 emissions \ European Commission \ Fabrice Bregier \ ICAO Council
Airbus welcomes European Commission response to ICAO Council outcome
Airbus is encouraged by the European Commission’s proposal to “stop the clock” on the enforcement of the inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS to and from European countries until after the ICAO General Assembly next Autumn, following the constructive outcome of last week’s ICAO Council. Speaking after the ICAO Council meeting, Airbus CEO Fabrice […]

aircraft \ Challenger \ Chuck Krugh \ Continuous Improvement \ Jet Aviation \ Jet Aviation St \ Jet Aviation St. Louis \ Lean technologies
Jet Aviation St. Louis to deliver its 200th green aircraft completion by year’s end
Jet Aviation St. Louis is on track to deliver its 200th green completion in December. Continuous improvement initiatives have increased the efficiency of the completions process and resulted in improved delivery times. With the 16 most recent aircraft delivering ahead of schedule, Jet Aviation St. Louis has developed proven systems for building highly customized aircraft […]

Chairman's Club \ Delta Airlines \ Delta employees \ employee \ employees \ Fox Theater \ Richard Anderson
Delta to Honor 100 Distinguished Employees
Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) tonight will honor 100 of its top employees at its 2012 Chairman’s Club gala at the Fox Theater in Delta’s hometown of Atlanta. Induction into the Chairman’s Club is Delta’s top honor in employee recognition. “Delta has incredible momentum heading into the New Year, and much of that can be […]