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787 \ 787 Dreamliner \ aircraft \ airlines \ airplane \ Boeing \ Larry Loftis \ production \ safety
Boeing Increases 787 Production Rate
Boeing employees last week rolled out the first 787 Dreamliner built at the new rate of five-airplanes-per-month. The airplane is the 83rd 787 to be built. “This accomplishment, doubling our production rate in one year, is the result of the combined efforts of thousands of men and women across Boeing and at our partners,” said […]

aircraft \ Claudio Peer \ EMEA & Asia \ flight \ Gulfstream G550 \ Jet Aviation \ MEBA \ Middle East
Jet Aviation adds three aircraft in the Middle East
Jet Aviation has recently signed aircraft management and flight support agreements for three new aircraft in the Middle East, bringing the total number of the company’s fleet in the region to 22 aircraft. Jet Aviation is exhibiting at MEBA exhibition, booth #590. Jet Aviation added a Challenger 300, a Gulfstream G550 and a Global 5000 […]

Airbus \ aviation \ flight \ Fly Your Ideas \ GDP \ students
Airbus makes last call for entries in €30,000 Fly Your Ideas challenge
Students wanting to help shape the future of flight still have time to take part in the global Airbus Fly Your Ideas challenge. Airbus is asking students worldwide to develop ideas for a more sustainable aviation industry. The winners will share the top prize of €30,000; the runners-up €15,000. Those wanting to get involved can register until […]

(e-AWB) \ air cargo \ AWB \ CBP \ e-Freight \ IATA \ master air waybill \ Puerto Rico \ US
Moving the Electronic Air Waybill Forward
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) welcomed the decision by the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to approve the use of the electronic master air waybill (e-AWB) for air cargo shipments to and from the US. The action means that the e-AWB will be accepted for shipments at more than 120 US CBP […]

ACJ318 Enhanced \ Airbus \ aircraft \ fuel-saving \ HDMI \ Sharklets
Airbus introduces ACJ318 Enhanced
Airbus has begun offering customers the ACJ318 Enhanced, a new version of the smallest member of the world’s most modern corporate jet family, which embodies new features and introduces a catalogue of optional extras. Since its entry into service in 2007, when the Airbus ACJ318 introduced the widest and tallest cabin of any business jet […]

aircraft \ Chief Pilot \ Electronic Flight Bag \ FAA \ Flexjet \ flight \ iPad2 \ Thomas Cantabene
Flexjet Secures FAA Authorization for iPad2 as Paperless Cockpit Solution
Flexjet – one of the world’s most exclusive fractional jet ownership companies – has received conditional authorization from the Federal Aviation Administration for the use of Apple® iPads as Electronic Flight Bags for fractional flights conducted under 14 CFR 91, Subpart K. The Phase 5 authorization comes after six months of validation testing of the […]

787 \ Africa \ Ethiopian \ Ethiopian Airlines \ Lufthansa Technik \ Q-400 \ supply chain management
Lufthansa Technik to Support Ethiopian Dreamliner Fleet
Long-term contract for the first 787 customer in Africa Lufthansa Technik is expanding its involvement in the provision of technical support for the Boeing 787 by signing a long term contract with Ethiopian Airlines. Ethiopian Airlines, the fastest growing airline in Africa, is the second 787 customer, next to Japan Airlines, to have appointed Lufthansa […]

ACJ319 \ Airbus \ aircraft \ Comlux \ jets \ John Leahy \ NBAA \ NBAA show \ VVIP charters
Airbus ACJ319 to feature at NBAA show
An Airbus ACJ319 will again top the cabin offerings at the NBAA show this year* highlighting how more space and comfort are available within a similar external footprint to that of traditional biz jets. Operated by Comlux on VVIP charters, the Airbus ACJ319 entered service earlier this year, and is being shown at NBAA for […]

ACJ318 Enhanced \ Airbus \ aircraft \ John Leahy \ LED \ light-emitting diode \ Sharklets
Airbus introduces ACJ318 Enhanced
Airbus has begun offering customers the ACJ318 Enhanced, a new version of the smallest member of the world’s most modern corporate jet family, which embodies new features and introduces a catalogue of optional extras. Since its entry into service in 2007, when the Airbus ACJ318 introduced the widest and tallest cabin of any business jet […]