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refund.me Releases Top 5 Bizarre Flight Delays
refund.me Releases Top 5 Bizarre Flight Delays We’ve all been frustrated by long flight delays, but in some cases all you can do is laugh. Few would believe the delays in refund.me`s top 5 were not “extraordinary circumstances”; but otherwise, refund.me, the ‘no win, no fee’ online platform and mobile app, can help passengers claim […]

Airports \ Cancellations \ Delays \ Dusseldorf Airport \ Frankfurt Airport \ jfk \ refund.me \ Top
Top 10 Airports for Delays and Cancellations
refund.me reveals Top 10 airports for delays and cancellations refund.me, the international service provider which helps passengers claim their right to monetary compensation for flight delays, cancellations, diversions and missed connections, has revealed a list of the airports where users of its online widget and mobile app have suffered the most inconveniences eligible for compensation. […]

According \ bookings \ Eve Buechner \ passengers \ refund.me \ Sabre Red Appy \ Sabre Travel Network \ Top App
Sabre chose refund.me App as the Best
refund.me Is Top App According to Sabre Travel Network refund.me, the international service provider which helps passengers claim their right to compensation for flight delays, cancellations, missed connections and diversions, has been awarded the Top Sabre Red Appy by Sabre Travel Network. refund.me was one of eight pre-selected finalists for the award and was ultimately […]

airlines \ CEO of refund.me \ Eve Buechner \ Flight Compensation \ Increase \ Minimun Delays \ refund.me
Airlines to Increase Minimun Delays For Flight Compensation
REFUND.ME and Various Consumer Organisations Question Motives Behind Increase to Minimum Delays for Flight Compensation Under the proposed revision of EU regulation 261/2004, the minimum delay for flight compensation would increase from three to five, nine or even twelve hours. By some measures a majority of passengers currently eligible for compensation for flight delays, cancellations […]

flight \ flight cancellation \ flight delays \ missed connection \ refund.me
Your Flight Delayed? Get Refund.me
REFUND.ME, The Breakthrough Online Platform for Processing Claims for Flight Delays, Missed Connections, Diverted Flights and Cancellations Launches in the UK refund.me, the online platform specialised in handling claims for airline passengers and passengers of other transportation modes, has launched in the UK to offer a swift and efficient solution to air passengers affected […]