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helicopters \ Innovative Power Solutions \ IPS \ jets \ power generators \ Source Zodiac Aerospace \ Zodiac Aerospace
Zodiac Aerospace to Acquire IPS
Zodiac Aerospace has signed and completed the acquisition of IPS – Innovative Power Solutions, based in Eatontown, NJ. IPS manufactures electrical power generators as well as converters, and enjoys the trust of major customers in the field of regional jets, business jets and helicopters. IPS employs approximately 60 people. This acquisition will reinforce Zodiac Aerospace’s […]

ACJ318 \ Airbus \ Airbus Corporate \ jets \ MEBA \ MEBA show \ VVIP charter
Airbus to display two corporate jets at MEBA show
Airbus will display two corporate jets at the MEBA show, giving visitors an opportunity to see the widest and tallest cabin of any business jet in elegantly different arrangements. The aircraft are the backbone of the Airbus corporate jet family, which have a strong presence in the important Middle East market. They comprise an Airbus […]

ACJ319 \ Airbus \ BAA Jet Management \ China \ jet \ jets \ Mah Jong \ Sharklet \ TAG Aviation
Chinese customer orders Airbus ACJ319
An Airbus ACJ319 with the fuel-saving Sharklet option has been ordered by a Chinese customer, in the first deal for this version from the country. The order builds on the strong Airbus corporate jet presence in greater China, where there are around 25 orders to date. Airbus corporate jets such as the ACJ318 and ACJ319 […]

ACJ319 \ Airbus \ aircraft \ Comlux \ jets \ John Leahy \ NBAA \ NBAA show \ VVIP charters
Airbus ACJ319 to feature at NBAA show
An Airbus ACJ319 will again top the cabin offerings at the NBAA show this year* highlighting how more space and comfort are available within a similar external footprint to that of traditional biz jets. Operated by Comlux on VVIP charters, the Airbus ACJ319 entered service earlier this year, and is being shown at NBAA for […]

ACJ319 \ ACJC \ Airbus \ jet \ Jetexpo \ jets \ John Leahy
Airbus Corporate Jets exhibits ACJ319 at Jetexpo
With the widest and tallest cabin of any business jet, the Airbus ACJ319 being exhibited at Jetexpo delivers unequalled comfort, space and freedom of movement – despite being similar in size externally to competing aircraft. Airbus corporate jets can also carry more people than other large business jets, allowing them to transport large company, government and […]

AAD \ ACJ319 \ Airbus \ aircraft \ Comlux \ jet \ jets \ South African \ VVIP charter
Airbus ACJ319 makes first appearance at South African show
Airbus’ ACJ319 is making its South African airshow debut at AAD giving visitors from the region their first chance to experience the aircraft’s comfort and space at first hand, as well as to compare it with other aircraft on display. Similar in size externally to competing aircraft, the Airbus ACJ319’s distinguishing feature is that it […]