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Flexjet and Bombardier Showcase New Learjet 85 Aircraft Mock-Up at NBAA

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Flexjet and Bombardier Showcase New Learjet 85 Aircraft Mock-Up at NBAA

Flexjet, the first fractional jet ownership company to offer shares on the all-new Learjet 85 aircraft, and business aircraft manufacturer Bombardier, will be in Orlando on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012, spotlighting the mock-up at a special event during the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) 65th Annual Meeting & Convention. This will be the 10th stop […]

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Airbus ACJ319 to feature at NBAA show

An Airbus ACJ319 will again top the cabin offerings at the NBAA show this year* highlighting how more space and comfort are available within a similar external footprint to that of traditional biz jets. Operated by Comlux on VVIP charters, the Airbus ACJ319 entered service earlier this year, and is being shown at NBAA for […]