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Center \ development \ Donauwörth \ EADS CEO \ Eurocopter \ Guillaume Faury \ helicopter \ Horst Seehofer \ opens \ Systemhaus \ Tom Enders
Eurocopter opens Systemhaus Helicopter Development Center at Donauwörth
Eurocopter today officially opened its new Systemhaus helicopter development center at Donauwörth, Germany today in the presence of Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer. The facility, which provides workspace for some 900 employees, offers complete system capability for the global helicopter market leader’s production activity at its German location – a key aspect of the company’s […]

According \ bookings \ Eve Buechner \ passengers \ refund.me \ Sabre Red Appy \ Sabre Travel Network \ Top App
Sabre chose refund.me App as the Best
refund.me Is Top App According to Sabre Travel Network refund.me, the international service provider which helps passengers claim their right to compensation for flight delays, cancellations, missed connections and diversions, has been awarded the Top Sabre Red Appy by Sabre Travel Network. refund.me was one of eight pre-selected finalists for the award and was ultimately […]

702MP \ Boeing \ Boeing Space \ Build \ Craig Cooning \ EpicNG \ EpicNG satellite \ Intelsat Epic \ satellites
Boeing to Build Intelsat Epic 702MP Satellites
Boeing will build four more 702MP satellites for Intelsat S.A., furthering its role as the initial manufacturer of Intelsat’s new high-performance satellite fleet, Intelsat EpicNG. The 702MPs will deliver reliable, affordable and high-capacity data transmission that Intelsat customers can tailor to their needs. “Intelsat became our first customer for the 702MP in 2009, and we […]

200th \ aircraft \ Introduces \ Live Television \ MileagePlus® \ Tom O'Toole \ united airlines \ Wi-Fi connectivity
UA Introduces 200th Aircraft with Live Television
Airline offers the world’s largest fleet of aircraft with live television United Airlines has equipped its 200th aircraft with live television, offering customers more than 100 channels of live programming while in-flight. United operates more live television-equipped aircraft than any other airline in the world. United currently offers live television on most Boeing 737 aircraft […]

Cessna \ Dick Friesen \ Flight Deck \ Garmin G3000 avionics \ New Citation M2 \ Reaches \ Stage \ Turbo Skylane JT-A \ Wing Mate
Cessna New Citation M2 Reaches ‘Wing Mate’ Stage
Cessna Aircraft Company, a Textron Inc. company, announced that the first production unit of the new Citation M2 has reached the significant milestone of wing and fuselage mating. Certification is expected in the second half of 2013. “The M2 program is progressing well, and we are all looking forward to advancing to the certification process […]

B-52 \ Boeing \ Brings \ Combat Network Communications Technology \ Communications \ CONECT \ Digital Age \ Significant \ Upgrade
Boeing Brings B-52 into Digital Age with Significant Communications Upgrade
Boeing Brings B-52 into Digital Age with Significant Communications Upgrade – Enables in-flight task changing and weapons retargeting Boeing is providing an upgraded communications system for U.S. Air Force B-52 bombers so aircrews can send and receive information via satellite links, allowing crews to change mission plans and retarget weapons in flight and better interact with […]

Boeing \ Boeing X-48C \ Dryden Flight Research Center \ Flight Testing \ NASA \ transonic BWB \ X-48C
Boeing X-48C Aircraft Completes Flight Testing
Boeing X-48C Blended Wing Body Research Aircraft Completes Flight Testing The Boeing X-48C research aircraft flew for the 30th and final time April 9, marking the successful completion of an eight-month flight-test program to explore and further validate the aerodynamic characteristics of the Blended Wing Body design concept. All 30 flights were conducted at […]

Airbus A320 \ aircrafts \ Benjamin Saada \ Boeing B737 \ Economy-class \ Expliseat \ TITANIUM seat
Revolutionary 4kg per Passenger Economy-class Seat
TITANIUM seat: a revolutionary 4kg per passenger patented technology that reduces seat weight by at least 50% for a fuel saving of 3% to 5% Expliseat announces today the launch of the TITANIUM seat: a revolutionary 4kg per passenger patented technology that reduces seat weight by at least 50% for a fuel saving of 3% […]